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Junior Project

The goal of this project was to create a multi-genre project based on your own interests and research connected to the themes of the Global Studies Program.

For my project, I designed an infographic that discusses what college means and the benefits and drawbacks of bypassing college and heading straight to the professionals. I made this for a variety of reasons, but one of the main ones was because I've often questioned what the point of going to college is, especially when you consider the world's wealthiest individuals, such as Bill Gates, who dropped out of college and now makes billions. So, what exactly is the point of going to college? I gained a lot from this assignment by looking at all sides of the problem, and both sides have compelling arguments, so the decision is ultimately up to the individual. While reading my infographic, I want you to consider which side you lean toward and whether college is truly worthwhile.

"Things work out best for those who make the best of how things work out."                                        

-John Wooden

Alex Coelho's Global Portfolio

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